terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2009

It comes and goes, but some things always remain.

Your presence comes and goes guys, but that doesn't mean all you've done won't stay as a memorial of your staying. If the upper title tells all of us to make changes, then you've got the message. Throught your deeds you've changed those little kids lives and I believe everything you've arranged for the camp helped bursting a small flame on each of our hearts. If your mission was to spread God's love and let people know that happiness is right around the corner, then be proud of yourselves: in my opinion - and I believe that's most people's too - you've made it.

quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009


Once again you're here.
Now it's the IO group again. There's the camp this weekend. I'm really excited, really looking foward to it. Just the fact of you being here already cheers me up. Every time you come you bless our lives and spread joy with every act of generosity and kindness of yours. I can really see God throught each of you. Congratulations. You'll always be in my hearts and in the hearts of those you've helped while you were here.
I love you guys,

quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2009

In order to get better...

In order to move on…
In order for both to happen,
I needed to get you outta my life.
After all we’ve been through, I really thought that when the time came for me to say ‘it’s over’, we´d end up talking and crying four a long time. But you just got mad, said you couldn’t stay near me then and left. Oh, well, what to do…? At that moment I realized I gave you more value that you deserved and that just helped me on my way through the changes I’m going on right now. Left you a note. Don’t even know if you’re gonna read it. Don’t even know if you’re gonna read this. Anyway… In order to live better and get my prize at the end, I always need to make sacrifices. This time, it was a big one, took a lot of courage and big changes. A whole story got destroyed, but it was necessary. A beautiful story. Actually, it could end up like a book or a movie or a TV serie, but I decided to call that a day and delete everything.
And afterall, I don’t know if I’m sorry.

quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2009

A borboleta.

Mais cores do que na paleta de um artista.
Mais leveza do que na brisa do campo.
Mais beleza do que qualquer obra de arte.
Assim é a borboleta.
Não conheço todas as criaturas divinas,
mas de todas as que conheço, é de longe a mais perfeita.
Cores inimagináveis, formas e linhas minuciosamente desenhadas.
Algo assim, simples assim, me faz ter certeza de que Deus existe.
Que tipo de reação poderia ter ocorrido no planeta para originar algo assim?
De que animal descenderia?
Observe uma borboleta,
tente não se encantar.
Tente não se emocionar ou se inspirar.
Borboleta, de todos os seres, és a mais bela.
De todas as cores, tens as mais lindas.
De todas as graças, carregas a mais perfeita: a graça divina.
Obrigado, meu Deus, pela borboleta.